Monday, July 29, 2024

Delivery # 24

Monday July 29: Delivered to ACTC(5) Cucumbers(4 lbs.4 oz), (2Yellow Squash (15 oz), (3) Green Peppers(10oz.), and (1) Eggplant (3 oz).

Friday, July 26, 2024

Delivery #23

 Wednesday July 24: Delivered to ACTC (4Cucumbers(2 lbs. 6 oz) and (11) Mixed Tomatoes(1 lb. 9 oz).

Monday, July 22, 2024

Delivery #22

Monday July 22: Delivered to ACTC(4) Cucumbers(1 lb 12 oz), (2) bags of 'Curly' Kale(9 oz), (2) bags of 'Dino' Kale (7 oz), (1) bag of 'Sea' Kale(5 oz), (2) bags of Collards(9 oz), and (7) Medium & (1) bag of Cherry Tomatoes(1 lb. 7 oz).

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Delivery #21

Thursday July 18: Delivered to ACTC(6) Cucumbers(3 lbs), (1) Zucchini Squash(9 oz), (2) 'Yellow' Zucchini 9 oz.), (1) Eggplant (4 oz.), (1) bag of 'Sea' Kale (7 oz), and (4) small  Sweet Peppers(2 oz).

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Delivery #20

Tuesday July 16: Delivered to ACTC(1) bag of Green Beans (3 oz), (5) Cucumbers(4 lbs.9 oz), (2) Zucchini Squash(2 lb.10oz), (1) Yellow Squash (7 oz), (2) Green Peppers(9oz.), (2) bags of Collards (11 oz.), (1) bag of 'Curly' Kale (7 oz), (1) bag of 'Dino' Kale(4 oz), and (1) bag of Swiss Chard (2 oz).

Delivery #19

Monday July 15: Delivered to ACTC (3) Cucumbers(1 lbs.10 oz), (1) Zucchini Squash(13 oz), and (1) Yellow Squash (14 oz).

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Delivery #18

Thursday July 11: Delivered to ACTC(8) Cucumbers(5 lbs.15 oz), (1) Zucchini Squash(13oz), (1) Yellow Squash (12 oz), (2) bags of 'Curly' Kale (9 oz), (1) bag of 'Sea' Kale(8 oz), and (3) Tomatoes.(1 lb. 1 oz).

Delivery #17

Tuesday July 9: Delivered to ACTC(1) bag of Green Beans (3 oz), (3) Cucumbers(2 lbs.7 oz), (1) Zucchini Squash(1 lb. 1oz), (1) Yellow Squash (10 oz), and (2) Tomatoes.(5 oz).

Delivery #16

Monday July 8: Delivered to ACTC(2) bags of Green Beans (1 lb. 6oz), (5) Cucumbers(5 lbs.3 oz), (3) Zucchini Squash(3 lb. 11oz), (1) Yellow Squash (1 lb 1 oz), (1) bag Mixed Lettuce(3oz.), and (1) bag of 'Dino' Kale(4 oz).

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Delivery # 15

Wednesday July 3: Delivered to ACTC(2) bags of Green Beans (1 lb.), (5) Cucumbers(3 lbs.9 oz), (1) Zucchini Squash(1 lb. 10oz), (1) Yellow Squash (10 oz), (1) Green Pepper(4oz.), (2) bags of Collards (11 oz.), (2) bags of 'Curly' Kale (11 oz), (1) bag of 'Dino' Kale(4 oz), (1) bag of 'Sea' Kale(9 oz.), and (1) bag of Swiss Chard (6 oz).

Monday, July 1, 2024

Delivery #14

Monday July 1: Delivered to ACTC(3) bags of Green Beans (1 lb.5 oz), (14) Cucumbers(11 lbs.11 oz), (4) Zucchini Squash(5 lbs. 12 oz), (3) Yellow Squash (1 lb. 15oz), and (1) Green Pepper(3oz.).